
Adam Lampert and Liebhold, Andrew M. 2023. Optimizing The Use Of Suppression Zones For Containment Of Invasive Species. Ecological Applications, 33, 3, Pp. e2797. . Publisher's Version
Idan Hefetz, Israeli, Ofir , Bilinsky, Gal , Plaschkes, Inbar , Hazkani-Covo, Einat , Hayouka, Zvi , Lampert, Adam , and Helman, Yael . 2023. A Reversible Mutation In A Genetic Hotspot Saves Bacterial Swarms From Extinction, 26, 2, Pp. 106043. . Publisher's Version
Adam Lampert and Liebhold, Andrew M. 2021. Combining Multiple Tactics Over Time For Cost-Effective Eradication Of Invading Insect Populations. Ecology Letters, 24, 2, Pp. 279–287. . Publisher's Version
Joffa M Applegate and Lampert, Adam . 2021. Firm Size Populations Modeled Through Competition-Colonization Dynamics. Journal Of Evolutionary Economics, 31, 1, Pp. 91–116. . Publisher's Version
Kirk Kayser and Lampert, Adam . 2021. Survivor&Rsquo;S Dilemma: The Evolution Of Cooperation In Volatile Environments. Journal Of Theoretical Biology, 516, Pp. 110603. . Publisher's Version
Adam Lampert. 2020. Information Sharing May Impede The Success Of Environmental Projects. Journal Of Environmental Management, 270, Pp. 110946. . Publisher's Version
Adam Lampert, Hastings, Alan , and Sanchirico, James N. 2018. Slow Treatment Promotes Control Of Harmful Species By Multiple Agents. Conservation Letters, 11, 5, Pp. e12568. . Publisher's Version
Robert Mamada, Lampert, Adam , Perrings, Charles , and others, . 2017. Potential Games And The Tragedy Of The Commons. Strategic Behavior And The Environment, 6, 4, Pp. 311–338. . Publisher's Version
Adam Lampert, Hastings, Alan , Grosholz, Edwin D, Jardine, Sunny L, and Sanchirico, James N. 2014. Optimal Approaches For Balancing Invasive Species Eradication And Endangered Species Management. Science, 344, 6187, Pp. 1028–1031. . Publisher's Version