
Adam Lampert and Hastings, Alan . 2014. Optimal Control Of Population Recovery&Ndash;The Role Of Economic Restoration Threshold. Ecology Letters, 17, 1, Pp. 28–35. . Publisher's Version
Adam Lampert and Hastings, Alan . 2014. Sharp Changes In Resource Availability May Induce Spatial Nearly Periodic Population Abundances. Ecological Complexity, 19, Pp. 80–83. . Publisher's Version
Adam Lampert and Tlusty, Tsvi . 2013. Resonance-Induced Multimodal Body-Size Distributions In Ecosystems. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences, 110, 1, Pp. 205–209. . Publisher's Version
Adam Lampert and Hastings, Alan . 2013. Synchronization-Induced Persistence Versus Selection For Habitats In Spatially Coupled Ecosystems. Journal Of The Royal Society Interface, 10, 87, Pp. 20130559. . Publisher's Version
Hadeel Majeed, Lampert, Adam , Ghazaryan, Lusine , and Gillor, Osnat . 2013. The Weak Shall Inherit: Bacteriocin-Mediated Interactions In Bacterial Populations. Plos One, 8, 5, Pp. e63837. . Publisher's Version
Adam Lampert and Tlusty, Tsvi . 2011. Density-Dependent Cooperation As A Mechanism For Persistence And Coexistence. Evolution: International Journal Of Organic Evolution, 65, 10, Pp. 2750–2759. . Publisher's Version
Adam Lampert and Tlusty, Tsvi . 2009. Mutability As An Altruistic Trait In Finite Asexual Populations. Journal Of Theoretical Biology, 261, 3, Pp. 414–422. . Publisher's Version
Adam Lampert and Meron, E. 2007. Localized Structures As Spatial Hosts For Unstable Modes. Epl (Europhysics Letters), 78, 1, Pp. 14002. . Publisher's Version